Modified Bitumen Roof Repair
A Modified Bitumen roof, commonly referred to as “mod bit” is a durable roofing membrane comprised of asphalt material with rubber modifiers added. The benefit of a mod bit roof is its overall durability. The drawback is replacement costs. The life cycle of a mod bit is typically fifteen years. Near the end of its serviceable life, the seams and flashing detail around penetrations begin to be a problem and may be the reason for leaks in the building. On a very positive note Modified Bitumen roof repair is typically a very good candidate for a fluid-applied restoration system.
We offer several solution options for restoring a cap sheet roof including our flagship fluid-applied roofing system Ure-A-Sil and a VOC-compliant, 100% silicone system, Envir-O-Sil.
Any one of these systems installed by Texas Metal Roofing Contractors will offer:
- Excellent adhesion to the current roof
- 100% tax deductible the year of installation
- Warrantied to withstand ponding water
- Cool roof technology lowers interior cooling costs
- Seamless waterproofing and protection from the elements
- Sustainable 12 & 15-year warranty options
- Cures & prevent rust
- Proven UV stability
Call Texas Metal Roofing Contractors now to Schedule Your No Obligation Consultation and Roofing Inspection 1-713-955-2902

Ure-A-Sil Process